Welcome to my ITEC 2130 Website!

Completed ITEC Courses

  1. ITEC 1001: Introduction to Computing
  2. ITEC 2110: Digital Media
  3. ITEC 2140: Programming Fundamentals
  4. ITEC 2201: Introduction to Information Systems
  5. ITEC 2150: Intermediate Programming

ITEC Skills

ITEC Projects

Web Development Portfolio
A collection of responsive websites designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Web Development
Mobile App for Task Management
An Android application developed using Kotlin to help users manage their tasks efficiently for Mobile Application Development
Data Visualization with Python
Interactive charts and graphs created using Python's Matplotlib and Seaborn libraries for Data Science
Cybersecurity Simulation
A simulation of network attacks and defenses using virtual machines and cybersecurity tools for Cybersecurity Fundamentals